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First edition of an account of the three parts of nature as suppliers of materials for medicines

[TESSARI, Ludovico and Carolus LINNAEUS].
Materia medica contracta: synonyma, natalia, pharmaceutica, qualitates, principia, praeparata, vires, usus communes, usus praecipuos, composita, doses, judicium complectens.
Venice, Nicolaus Pezzana, 1762. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an allegorical title-vignette ("Nimis augusta foramina cribri"), headpieces built up from typographic ornaments, woodcut tailpieces and decorated initials. Contemporary sprinkled calf over boards, light brown spine label with title in gold, blue sprinkled edges. XVI, 472 pp.
€ 600
An account of pharmacological ingredients in three parts, the second on botanical sources by the great Swedish botanist Linnaeus, and those on mineral and animal sources, here in their first editions, by Ludivico Tessari, a famous physician and pharmaceutical chemist, active in Venice in the third quarter of the 18th century. Part 1 covers the "regnum minerale" (divided into 6 classes: terris medicinalibus, lapidibus medicinalibus, salibus fossilibus, metallis & semimetallis, arsenico & sulphure and bituminibus) and part 3 the "regnum animale" (divided in 6 classes: quadrupedia, amphibia, pisces, testacei, aves and insecta) as sources of materials and elements for medicines. For part 2, on the "regnum vegetabile" as a source, Tessari reprints a text by Linnaeus, first published in his Materi medica in Stockholm in 1749.
Spine worn, otherwise in good condition. ICCU, PUVE010973; cf. Blake, p. 447; De Renzi, Storia della medicina in Italia, V, p. 149.
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