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Fourth edition of the national Spanish Pharmacopoea

Pharmacopoea Hispana. Editio quarta.
Madrid, M. Repullés, 1817. 8vo. With allegorical steel engraving by B. Ametler after Luiz Paret, dated 1794 (date of the first edition) with the motto Ars cum Natura ad Salutem conspirans (85 x 97 mm). Mottled calf. [2], VIII, [4], 358 pp.
€ 250
Fourth edition of the national Pharmacopoea of Spain. During the Spanish Enlightenmenta royal decree was issued by Charles III in 1780, establishing the self-government of the various health professions. The structure of the Royal Court Protomedicato [Real Tribunal del Protomedicato] was changed and was divided into three branches: Protomedicato, Protofarmaceuticato and Protocirujanato.
With ownerships entry of Valentin Alenza, the father of the madrilene painter Leonardo Alenza, Sept. 1828 on last page. Very good copy on thick paper. Ant. Gonz. Bueno, An accont on the history of the Spanish pharmacopoeias (www.histpharm.org: ISHPWG), pp. 5-7; Raphael Folch Andreu, Las Farmacopeas Nacionales españolas, in: Actas del XV Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Medicina, 1 (1956), pp.247-267.
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