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A milestone in the history of pharmaceutical literature

Ricettario Fiorentino nuovamente compilato e ridotto all'uso moderno diviso in due parti.
Florence, Gaetano Cambiagi, 1789. Large 4to (28 x 21 cm). With engraved illustration on title-page, a decorated engraved initial, and a few woodcut head- and tailpieces. 19th-century sheepskin parchment, manuscript title on spine. VII, [1 blank], 350, [1], [1 blank] pp.
€ 2,950
Last edition of the Nuovo ricettario, "a milestone in the history of pharmaceutical literature" (Cowen & Helfand), emanating from the guild of Florence physicians and pharmacists and first published in 1498. This pharmacopeia appeared in dozens of editions until 1696 and was followed after almost 100 years by the present and last edition of 1789. "It embodies a list of approved drugs and describes the various methods of preparing them for administration or use, together with the proper weights and measures to be employed for accurate compounding" (Hagelin).
Spots and minor waterstains throughout, some of the lower corners smudged. In very good condition. Binding very good as well. Blake, p. 348; Hagelin, p. 82-85; ICCU 023464 (7 copies); cf. Cowen & Helfand, Pharmacy an illustrated history (1990).
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