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Fourth edition of the Prussian pharmacopoeia, including the appendix

[PRUSSIA - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [LINK, Heinrich Friedrich].
Pharmacopoea Borussica. Editio quarta.
Berlin, Academia Regiae Scientarium, 1827.
With: (2) [LINK, Heinrich Friedrich]. Appendix ad pharmacopoeam Borussicam. Editionis quartae.
Berlin, Carolus Fridericus Plahn (back of title-page: printed by G.C. Nauk), 1829. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment, gold-tooled spine. X, [1], [1 blank], 387, [1 blank]; IV, 54 pp.
€ 750
Fourth edition of the official pharmacopoeia of Prussia, attributed to the German naturalist and botanist Heinrich Friedrich Link (1767-1851), who wrote the preface. The work opens with a preface and a brief section on the metric system used in the book. The main text is divided into two parts, the first covering medicines that should always be available in any shop, the second containing medicines that need not always be kept in stock, each part dividing the medicines into simples and compounds. It closes with an index in Latin and German. The first edition (1799) was based on the last edition of the Dispensatorium regium et electorale Borusso-Brandenburgicum, published at Berlin in 1781. The appendix contains some additional medicines and additional information on already medicines included, referring to the page numbers of the pharmacopoeia.
Slightly foxed. Binding rubbed, the bookblock has come loose from binding in places. Overall in good condition. Gray, Supplement to the pharmacopoeia, p. 7; Hirsch IV, p. 3.
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