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Second located copy of prayerbook in magnificent roman baroque fanfare binding
attributed to the Soresini family

Piae precationes ad missas devote celebrandas, et sacrosanctam eucharistiam sumendam. Cum variis orationibus ex bonis & probatis authoribus collectis.
Rome, Aloysius Zannettus, 1604. 8vo. With woodcut title-page and some ornamented woodcut initials in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled brown morocco, with gauffered edges; both sided with 2 pairs of fillets along the edges with little flowers at the corners and a floral border in between; a pattern of loose gilt stamps of flowers in a spiral line, vases with flowers, lions, stars and so-called "foglia accartocciata" ("feuilles mortes") and a crucifixion in an oval border in the centre of the front cover and the Virgin with child in an oval border in the centre of the back board. 272 pp.
€ 27,500
Second located copy of probably the first edition of this collection of prayers to be said before and after Mass. Later editions were published in 1609 and 1621. The magnificent baroque binding is of Roman design and can be attributed to the Soresini atelier. It is executed in the finest style of this famous family of bookbinders connected with the papal court. Founded in 1570, the bindery of Francesco Soresini and his son Prospero began to flourish after the death of Nicolo Franzese and their work is mainly related to the pontificate of Clement VIII (1592-1604). One of the most striking characteristics of the Soresini atelier is a flower within a spiral line, an important contribution to the new baroque 'fanfare style', which the family helped to perfect. This example has, on both covers, ten different stamps with these spirals ending in a fleuron, forming an harmonious decorative pattern in which more traditional stamps also appear. Some insignificant browning and spotting throughout. Good copy in a splendid fanfare binding. CRRA (1 copy); not in BMC STC Italian; KVK; WorldCat; for the binding: Legatura romana barocca 9; G. Vianini Tolomei, ''Reliures romaines d'archives des XVe et XVIe siècles'', in: Bulletin du bibliophile, 1993, nr. 2, pl. VI.
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