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Rare second Dutch edition of a rare household medical handbook

Enchiridion medicum, dat is: een kort begrijp van den gantschen loop der medicyne.
Amsterdam, widow of Joost Broersz., 1659. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [4], 234, [2 blank] pp.
€ 2,500
Rare second Dutch edition of a practical medical handbook. It is a compendium of practical household medical knowledge and includes many recipes for medicines. The 48-page general introduction takes the form of a dialogue between a doctor and a medical student. A second dialogue between the same two people discusses surgery. The main text follows, with numerous chapters, each devoted to a particular ailment and most providing recipes for medicines. An appendix with selections from De medicina by the classical Roman encyclopaedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus completes the book.
With bookplate. In very good condition. A rare household medical handbook, giving insights into daily life in the 17th-century. BMN I, p. 7; STCN (1 copy); WorldCat (3 copies); cf. Krivatsy 12113.
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