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The Ottoman-Mamluk war and the conquest of Mecca and Medina

Omnia que gesta sunt in Orie[n]te inter Sophi & Maximum Turcarum & Suldanum, & que[m]admodum dux Turcaru[m] caepit Alepum & Damascum & Hierusalem cum om[n]ibus circumiace[n]tibus oppidis, & quo[rum] maximus Turcaru[m] voluit audire una[m] missam apud sanctu[m] sepulchru[m] Iesu Christi.
[Basel, Pamphilus Gengenbach, 1518]. 4to. With woodcut illustration on title-page. 19th-century pink wrappers. [6], [2 blank] pp.
€ 35,000
Rare 16th-century news pamphlet on the Ottoman-Mamluk War (1516-1517). The booklet relates the events from June 1516 to July 1517, followed by an account of Sultan Selim's visit to Jerusalem. During the Ottoma-Mamluk war the Ottoman Sultan Selim I, known as "the Grim", conquered Syria and defeated the Mamluk Sultan in the Battle of Ridaniya. He subsequently captured and sacked Cairo, thereby placing the holy cities Mecca and Medina under Ottoman rule, which marked the beginning of Ottoman power in Arabia.
With two bookplates, some browning, otherwise in very good condition. Göllner 115; USTC 679549; VD 16, O 738.
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