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Rare remonstrant pamphlet

[NAERANUS, Johannes].
Af-gedrongen verantwoordinge tegens eenige onbillijke en vreemde proceduuren, gehouden by de Kerken-Raad der Remonstranten tot Rotterdam.
Rotterdam, Joannes Naeranus, 1656. With letterpress ornament on title-page and 2 woodcut initials. 19th century blue boards. [4], 28 pp.
€ 350
Rare pamphlet, only 2 copies in NCC (no copy in the Royal Library, The Hague), comprising Naeranus' justification of his accusations against the remonstrant Jan Waarts. Naeranus published the pamphlet with only his initials "J.N." on the title-page. The learned author Johannes Naeranus (1608-1679) became remonstrant preacher in Oudewetering, in 1652. There, on his instigation, a special school for remonstrant preachers was founded in 1669. Naeranus became rector of the school and he taught Greek, Latin, philosophy and history. The author is also known for his biography and genealogy of Johan van Oldenbarnevelt (first published in 1670). His album amicorum is preserved at the Royal Library in The Hague.
Good copy. Knuttel 7784; Tiele 4495. On the author: Tideman, De Remonstrantsche Broederschap (1847), p. 21-23 and 162.
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