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1752 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the Sultan of Morocco

Tractaat van vreede en commercie, geslooten tusschen sijne Majesteit den Keiser van Marocco en de ... Staaten Generaal der Vereen. Nederlanden.Including:[drop-title:] Formulier van het pasport ...
[drop-title:] Translaat van de brief van Muley Abdala, Keiser van Marocco, ...
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1777. Small 4to. With the woodcut arms of the States General on the title-page. Disbound. 26, [2 blank] pp.
€ 1,250
Second edition, published in several issues, of a treaty concluded between the Dutch States General and Abdullah bin Ismail (1694-1757), Sultan of Morocco on and off from 1734 to his death in 1757. The 23 articles of the treaty are followed by a form for the passports that Dutch ships were to carry, a note on the treaty's ratification at Fez, and a translation of a letter (originally in Arabic?) from the Sultan of Morocco to the States General. The treaty was negotiated by Mohamed Lucas, governor of Tétouan, acting for Morocco and Francisco and Louis Butler, granted power of attorney by the States General. It guarantees access, free trade and safety for ships of the States General and its subjects and their crews and passengers in ports under Moroccan authority. Goods they sell there are subject to the usual taxes, but military and shipbuilding supplies are exempt (gunpowder, timber, wheel-lock muskets etc.). The treaty was concluded on 21 November 1752/14 Muharram 1166. A further note says it was ratified at Fez on 4 December/28 Muharram and Sultan Abdullah's letter to the States General bears the same date.
With a brief inscription on the title-page. Last two leaves detached and with worm holes, only slightly affecting the text. Otherwise a good copy. STCN 161081134; not in Knuttel.
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