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Extremely rare Dutch translation of Crèvecoeur’s travels in the north eastern United States

[MICHAUD = CREVECOEUR, Michel Guillaume Jean de (John Hector ST. JOHN)]
Reis door Opper-Pensilvaniën, en den staat van Nieuw-York; door Michaud. Uit het Fransch. In drie deelen ... Eerste deel [all published].
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805. 8vo. With a large folding engraved map (ca. 50x35 cm.) by Amsterdam cartographer Cornelis van Baarsel (1761-1826), after the map in the French edition, of the north eastern United States. And with 2 engraved portraits of Native Americans. Modern brown half calf with marbled sides, with title-label on spine. IV, 502 pp.
€ 3,500
Only copy located of the first and only edition of the Dutch translation of Voyage dans la haute Pennsylvanie et dans l'état de New York, par un membre adoptif de la nation Onéida (Paris 1801). The voyage, or rather history and description of North America by Crèvecoeur suggests that the work was a translation from the papers of an adopted member of the Onéida tribe. The author, a French agronome and economist, spent about a quarter of a century in the United States and had closely followed and admired Washington's career.
The title erroneously attributes the journey to François-André Michaux, while in fact it was Michel Guillaume Jean Crèvecoeur (John Hector St. John). This Dutch edition was published with the same map and 2 of the 3 plates of the first and only French edition. The title states that there should be thee volumes. However, only the first volume was ever published, the intended other two volumes were never realized. The map shows the north eastern part of the United States: from the Great Lakes to Maine to Pennsylvania. With New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, the Atlantic Ocean and the border of Canada at Montreal etc.
Slightly foxed, folding map a bit more on the folds. Not in NCC, Worldcat; Saakes IV, p. 196; cf. Sabin 17501; Cox II, p. 155.
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