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First and only edition of the horrible story of the murder of the Polish Kings representative in Copenhagen,
told by the representatives sister-in-law

[MEIBOM, Anna].
Relation veritable de l'horrible et detestable assassinat commis en la personne de Mr. De Schade, conseiller et resident du Roi de Pologne a la cour de Dannemarc; avec les cruelles persecutions & les injustices criantes, qui lui ont été faites pendant son sejour a Copenhague, & qu'on a continué d'exerces après sa mort contre sa veuve.
Utrecht, widow of Ernestus Voskuyl, 1713. 8vo. With a woodcut vase of leafy flowers on the title-page, a woodcut decorated initial, Contemporary tanned half sheepskin. [2], 212 pp.
€ 1,250
Rare first and only edition, in the original French, of a horrible story of the 1703 murder of Hans (Johan) Schade (1671-1703), King August II Mocny of Polands councillor and resident representative at the Danish royal court in Copenhagen. Schade was a Danish diplomat who had settled in Amsterdam in 1696. King August II (1670-1733), who reigned 1697-1706 and 1709-1733, appointed him resident there in 1698. In Amsterdam he married Catharine Meibom, the daughter of the Danish classical scholar, music theorist and librarian, Prof. Marcus Meibom (1621-1710), who had lived in the Netherlands since 1677 and died in Utrecht in 1710.
King August appointed Schade resident representative at the Danish court in Copenhagen, so he moved there in 1700 and quickly came into conflict with the Danish Minister Christian von Plessen. Schade was finally dismissed at his own request in 1703, and King August appointed a Frenchman, Antoine Moreau, his successor. Before Schade had time to leave Copenhagen, however, Moreau died suddenly. Men from Plessen's entourage visited Schade as he was preparing for his departure, they quarrelled and Chamberlain Burchard von Suhm stabbed Schade with his sword. He died of the wound two days later. In the present Relation veritable, Anna Meibom, the sister of Schades wife Catherine, accuses Plessen of murdering Schade and later persecuting his widow.
With the bookplate of the well-known book collector Carolus Jedvarda Bonde. In very good condition. Dansk biogr. Leksikon, 21 (1941), pp. 29-30; KVK & WorldCat (6 copies); STCN (2 copies).
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