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First Amsterdam edition of Hans Sloane's important revision (1721) of the famous London Pharmacopoeia

Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis.
Amsterdam, Jan Boom, 1722. 8vo. Title in red and black with engraved printers device, woodcut decorated initials, running heads between thin rules. Contemporary calf. [16], 318, [16] pp.
€ 850
Rare 1722 Amsterdam edition of the great 1721 revision of the London pharmacopoeia prepared under the oversight of the famous physician, naturalist and collector Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) who succeeded Isaac Newton as president of the Royal Society in 1727, and served as president of the College from 1719 to 1735. The 1721 edition in folio was the first Latin edition since 1711 and the first in large format since 1677. Sloane introduced modern scientific methods and eliminated ingredients such as mummy dust and unicorn horn that had appeared in the early editions. Booms present 1722 edition made no further revisions to the text, but produced it in a more practical and more affordable 8vo format, no doubt bringing it to a larger audience.
By degree of the King all the pharmacologists in England were obliged to follow the prescriptions described in this book, which became authoritative in Great Britain as well as in great parts of the continent.
Binding slightly worn, otherwise in very good condition. STCN (1 copy), Wellcome IV, p. 363.
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