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First and only edition of the pharmacopeia of Liege

Pharmacopoea Leodiensis, in qua describuntur medicamenta tam simplicia quam composita, ordine sequenti in tres partes distributa... Cum adjuncta taxa & indice.
Liege, Everard Kints, 1741. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Liege and an engraved coat of arms of the dedicatee prince-bishop George (II) Louis of Bergen, printed on a separate leaf. Contemporary marbled paper over boards. [18], 244, [12] pp.
€ 1,250
First and only edition of the Liege pharmacopoeia which also became authoritative in Maastricht in 1760. The book is compiled by six members of the Collegium Medicinae - four physicians and two pharmacists: a notable exception to the rule that in general the Collegium Medicinae seldom condescended to collaborate with pharmacists: Aegidius Clermont, Joannes Franciscus Daniel, Aegidius Guilielmus Clermont, Philippus Baron dictus De Bazin, Lambertus Franciscus Florquin and Johannes van Nes. They dedicated the work to George (II) Louis van Bergen (1662-1743), Prince-bishop of Liege from 1724-1743, dated by a chronogram: 1741.
With the bookplate of E.C.M.J. Hollman on the front paste-down and an ownership's stamp of the pharmacist J.R. Hollman on the title-page, who were probably both pharmacists in Maastricht. Binding slightly worn (especially around the edges), otherwise in good condition. Daems & Vandewiele, pp. 169-170, p.159; Cowen & Helfand, pp. 91 and 94; Wellcome IV, p. 362.
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