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Triumphal entry of Stadtholder Willem III (the future King William III of England)
into The Hague on 8 December 1673

Verhael van het gepasseerde over het geluckigh arrivement van Sijn Hoogheydt den Heere Prince van Orange, alhier in Den Hage op den achtsten December 1673. des avondts ende den volgenden dagh voor-gevallen. Midtsgaders overdenckinge van de voorledene en jegenwoordige tijdt.
[The Hague], [Crispyn Hoeckwater?], [1673]. 4to. Disbound. 7, [1 blank] pp.
€ 225
An enthusiastic Orangists eye-witness account of the Stadtholder Willem IIIs triumphal entry into The Hague, returning from his armys successful campaigns against France, which had invaded the Dutch Republic in the "rampjaar" (year of disaster) 1672. He entred The Hague on 8 December 1673 and the celebrations continued into 9 December, with artillery salutes, drums, processions and fires (fireworks?). After describing the celebrations, he gives a short historical overview of the role of the Princes of Orange in the liberation of the Dutch Republic from Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Most publications by Crispyn Hoeckwater call him only a bookseller, but the STCN records one 1674 imprint (a copy imprint: after the copy at Strasbourg) that says he printed the book, so he may have printed the present pamphlet. It is not clear whether he published both issues of the present edition or only the one that bears his name. We suspect he published both but wished to distribute some copies anonymously, perhaps including the word "Konighlijcke" in the issue with his name, intended for Orangists, and omitting it in the anonymous issue, intended for others.
First page a little frayed in the lower margin, some slight browning and staining, but overall in good condition. Knuttel 10760; STCN (5 copies); Tiele 6735.
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