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On earthquakes in Africa and Lisbon in 1751, just four years before the devastating earthquake of 1755

Nova relação das grandes mortandades, ruinas, e assolações, que tem causado os grandes, e horriveis terremotos, que tem havido neste presente anno de 1751, em Africa. Como consta em certeza por huma carta, que hum sujeito escreveo do Reino de Perú a hum seu amigo Hespanhol, a quem sendo entregue em Sevilha, veio remettida a esta real, e nobre corte de Lisboa, e ultimamente trasladada em Portuguez.
Lisbon, Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1751. 4to. Later decorated paper wrappers. 16 pp.
€ 1,750
Very rare account of the various earthquakes that occurred in the world, and in particular in Lisbon in the years 1356 and 1531, followed by a translation of a letter sent from Peru by a Spaniard to his friend in Sevilla describing the many seismic phenomena and earthquakes that had taken place in Africa in 1751, the letter here in Portuguese translation.
This curious publication on earthquakes was published less than four years before one of the most destructive earthquakes in Europe, the well-known terrible earthquake and following tsunami that ruined Lisbon in 1755 with ca. 50,000 casualties.
Slightly browned and soiled in the margin, especially on the title-page. Also some stains in the last three leaves and the last leaf repaired, not affecting the text. In good condition. Porbase (2 copies); WorldCat (3 copies).
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