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Prayer in Maori for adults seeking baptism

[COLENSO, William].
[Drop-title:] He Inoinga ma te tangate e wakaaro atu ana ki te Iriiringa.
[Heretaunga, William Colenso, ca. 1847]. Leaflet (17.2 x 11 cm). [1], [1 blank] pp.
€ 450
A leaflet containing a prayer for adults seeking baptism and a list of recommended Bible passages. The prayer was written and printed by the missionary and botanist William Colenso (1811-1899) and contains a number of typographical curiosities. Small capitals were frequently used for capitals, W is used for wh and due to an apparent shortage of h, Colenso used b with the bottom cut open.
Slightly browned with a few spots and minor damage at the edges; in good condition. Hocken, p. 520; Williams 164.
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