De nieuwe toverlantaarn.
Amsterdam, [Johannes Roelof Poster, ca. 1795]. Small 8vo (ca. 15.5 x 10 cm). With a hand-coloured engraved title page, 24 full-page hand-coloured engraved plates, and numerous woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary blind-tooled brown half calf, sprinkled paper sides. 41, [5], "64" [= 58], 63, [1], "64" [= 56] pp.
€ 2,950
Very rare satirical work, containing songs and poems about public figures and street-characters, with colourful full-page plates. The work is part of the genre of Dutch satirical publications from the period 1780-1800, which often had "toverlantaarn" (magic lantern) in their title. They were published in response to the conflict between the Dutch patriots and orangists, and eventually used by both parties to slander each other. Contrary to most other toverlantaarn publications, however, the present work was intended for children, as the text is educational in nature. It is also very scarce, as we have only been able to trace three other copies in sales records, and none in libraries.
The work contains 24 (of 30) very attractive hand-coloured plates, showing soldiers, clowns, a pierrot, and caricatural characters like Hansje Pos, Hans Beuling, and Hansworst. Each plate is accompanied by a short text, usually a song or poem, but sometimes also a dialogue between a father and a son on the subject of decent behaviour, centred on notions like "citoyen", "egalité" and "hypocrisy". The composition of the work suggests that it was published in four parts, but the collation continues throughout. The title page does not mention a date or a publisher, as is common for this genre, but the work does contain a publisher's catalogue. From this, we have been able to surmise it was most likely printed by Johannes Roelof Poster in 1795. This attribution is confirmed by Buijnsters, who mentions that the work was also known with the title De vroolijke zeden-meester voor kinderen.
The title, as well as the words "o zo mooi!", coming out of the mouth of the title-character, suggest a connection with one of the first Dutch satirical "Lantaarn" publications, namely Lanterne Magique, of Toverlantaern, o zo mooi!, published as a satirical anti-Patriotic, and anti-French periodical in the 1780's. However, its counterpart, an anti-Orangist and pro-French publication, was called Nieuwe Toverlantaarn (New Magic Lantern), so the present work likely references both.
The boards and spine are rubbed, with vertical tears at the head and foot of the spine. The work is slightly browned and soiled, lacking the first flyleaf, leaves E8-F2, F7-H1, P1 and P8, and 6 plates. Buijnsters 1490; cf. Nieuwenhuis, I. B., Onder het mom van satire. Laster, spot en ironie in Nederland, 1780-1800, pp. 9-24; not in STCN; WorldCat.
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