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Bible bound in "sharkskin", including a psalmbook published by the Nederlandsche Bijbel-Compagnie

Biblia, dat is de gantsche Heylige Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonycke boecken des ouden ende des nieuwen testaments. ...Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons, 1884.
With: (2) [BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - DUTCH]. Het Nieuwe Testament, ofte alle boecken des nieuwen verbonts onses heeren Jesu Christi. ...Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons, 1870.
(3) [PSALMBOOK - DUTCH]. Het boek der psalmen, nevens de gezangen bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik. ... Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons), 1870. With the sheet music for the psalms.
With letterpress-printed music notes for the psalms. 3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 20th-century so-called sharkskin with several elaborate silver-plated fittings, (large cornerpieces on both sides, two cord rings on the head intended to secure a carrying cord or chain, two large clasps: one inscribed "J.R.M." and the other dated "1932", catch-plates), gilt and gauffered edges. [1], 416; 126; 132 ff.
€ 1,500
Beautifully bound convolute with the Old and New Testament and a psalmbook for use in the Dutch Reformed Church, including the sheet music for playing and singing the different psalms. Although the three different biblical and religious works were not published at the same time, namely in 1870 and 1884, they were all published by the so-called Nederlandsche Bijbel-Compagnie, which was a joint between the Amsterdam Bible printer Brandt and a Haarlem Bible printer, namely John Enschedé.
This beautifully bound copy is a neat example of one of these Bible publications of the Nederlandsche Bijbel-Compagnie.
Binding a little worn (especially around the spine, edges and cornerpieces) the rings with some light wear, paper edges a little soiled, some soiling from the silver-plating on the endpapers. In good condition. Nederlandse Bijbels en hun uitgevers, 1477-1952 (1952), pp. 16-20.
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Book history, education, learning & printing  >  Bindings
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